All functions |
Generate AGID buttons |
Add Google Analytics to shiny app |
Handle download of AmyloGraph network to HTML |
Handle download of AmyloGraph data to XGMML |
Add NULL to choices |
Add sequence info |
Find AmyloGraph column names in data |
AmyloGraph interactions list |
Build list of proteins from interactions list |
AmyloGraph proteins list |
AmyloGraph references list |
Extract AmyloGraph option |
Generate paper citation |
Collect button tags |
Add colors depending on attribute value |
Check whether sequences fit motif |
Check motif correctness |
Count unique interacting proteins |
Count interactions for a protein |
Define a button type |
Revert chain tibbles to strings |
Flush chain reader buffer |
Filter by an attribute |
Filter by motif |
Group data by attribute value |
Execute code if not NULL |
Create a line of indices |
Swap values and names |
Check if node is selected |
Label and reorder a vector |
Wrap DOI in a link |
Wrap UniProt ID in a link |
Read JavaScript code from file |
Format AmyloGraph version into human-friendly string |
Access AmyloGraph section as a string |
Observe buttons to disable/enable them |
Remove selections in a table |
Observes graph edges changing |
Toggle active state of a filter checkbox |
Display "Single interaction" tab on selection |
Copy selections in subtables to main table |
Display single protein panel on selection |
Observe "Transfer selection" button |
Select all rows in a table |
Upgrade motif to detect ambiguous letters |
Return plural or singular form |
Present chains in human-friendly format |
Present sequence in human-friendly format |
Verify if "transfer selection" allowed |
Generate base tabular data |
Generate graph data |
Retrieve node positions in a network |
Access label of currently selected protein |
Construct DT selection config |
Build table data for single protein |
Build table data |
Parse chain sequence data |
Render visNetwork graph |
Render a plot of interaction count by paper |
Render a table of interaction count by protein |
Render list of protein sources |
Safely create a sequence of numbers |
Select columns relevant to graph data |
Index along a sequence |
Split sequence into lines |
Handle download of AmyloGraph data |
Access human-readable attribute label |
Access human-readable question text |
Enable/disable element with CSS styling |
Create visNetwork with AmyloGraph defaults |
Clear and update edges in a graph |
Reselect a node in a graph |